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Library Trustee Minutes 10/13/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
October 13, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Sandy Snow, and Margaret Warner (Chair)

Minutes of the 9/8/2008 meeting were approved.

Treasurer's Report:
"       Waiting for the insurance claim funds in order to pay the copier invoice. The plumbing company's insurance company has asked for information that had been previously submitted.
"       The building fund account will be closed after the last invoice is paid.
"       Invoice paid for large order for books and AV materials. Overall trust funds are at budget however it was suggested that we place a freeze on spending. Margie will notify Kathy of a spending freeze until further notice.
"       Discussion on the line items of the town funding budget in anticipation of an 8% cut per request from the board of selectmen.
"       Approved credit card charge for $16.97 at Dunkin Donuts for refreshments for the open house on Sept 20 during Home and Harvest weekend. Kathy will be reminded that pre-approval is needed on all use of the credit card.
"       CIP meeting appointment for the Trustees will be Oct 30 at 6:15. We are requesting a generator and the electrical re-wiring of the original building.
"       Treasurer's report accepted.

Director's Report:
"       See attached.
"       Discussion on staff schedule and number of indirect hours. It was decided to postpone discussion for the next meeting with Kathy.
"       Discussion on library hours. Kathy will be asked to provide documentation on state requirements.
"       Question was brought up about the disappearance of the chair that was in the stack room.
"       Discussion on building use policy. Kathy submitted sample copies from other libraries. She will be asked to draft a policy for the next meeting.
"       Discussion on director reporting circulation numbers at each meeting per sample from Milford library trustee meeting minutes which shows comparison with the previous year's circulation numbers. Discussion on "people counter", also reported on Milford library trustee meeting minutes. Connie will contact the Milford library and get information on the "people counter".
"       The Board received a $50 gift certificate at the NH Antiques Co-op in Milford given by the Dodge Library in Bennington. Margie and will take a look next time she is in Milford.

Old Business:  
"       Discussion on follow-up list of items that needed to be completed. Margie reviewed the updated notations made by Kathy (see attached). A few items were discussed at length.
"       Procedure for emergency for the Fire Department. It was decided that a letter from the Trustees will be sent to the Fire Chief, the Deputy Fire Chief, Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen stating our concerns because when the fire alarm went off in August it was very clear that the Fire Department did not know the layout of the building and if no one had been in the library at the time there would have been an issue as to how the fire department would get in to the building. This issue needs to be solved immediately. An ASAP response will be requested. There was discussion about the installation of a lockbox for the key to the building.
"       Brian Beihl confirmed that the Boy Scouts will build snow protection frames for the shrubbery. Sandy will work with him on this.
"       Discussion on the website. Kathy will be asked to provide a written procedure for updating the website. It was decided that a review of the website will be added as an agenda point at each meeting
"       Discussion on archive room. When the room is completed the biographies and oversize books will be open to the public. Motion made to direct Kathy to prepare the archive room for public use by November 1. Motion was seconded and so voted.
"       Question on bulletin boards that need to be hung. It was suggested that Kathy ask if the Town's maintenance person can do this.

New Business:
"       It was noted that the emergency exit signs that were purchased two months ago need to be installed. Kathy will be asked to see that this is done.
"       Outside lighting is desperately needed on the stairs going to the parking lot. Nancy will contact John Kendall for an estimate.
"       Discussion on fax capabilities postponed to next meeting.
"       It was decided that the library cannot accommodate meeting space for religious or political groups.
"       The Friends of the Library had a successful meeting with 15 people attending. A report will be coming for the next meeting.
"       Connie brought a print out of the NELA (New England Library Association) annual conference on the weekend of October 18-19. Margie will ask Kathy if she is planning to attend.
"       It was decided that the board will meet on October 20, 2008 for a budget meeting.
Next meeting:  November 10, 2008 at 7:30 pm at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary